Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another magnificent morning

The lass wakes me up, recently, at about 5am. She sleeps on the other bunk, mostly, then gently pokes me awake with a paw at 5am. Have no idea what she wants .. food? a cuddle? play?

I struggle out of bed and .. well, give her all of the above.

Yer, I know - a simplistic account; the "back story" is rather more detailed and complicated than that. Has been very windy here for the past two days .. had to get my pilots licence out and see whether it covered a landing in Kansas City .. heh.


Davoh said...

Actually, have just been reading a rather interesting account in the "WeekendOz" of a narrowly averted "biggest/worst aircrash disaster" of an Emirates A300 take-off from Melbourne airport recently .. phew!!

John L said...

Our two girls don't wake us up quite that early (mostly) but when they do it's to get outside for a hit-and-a-miss.

Vincent said...

I look forward to the complicated back stories behind all your front stories. If you have time, I do too.

Davoh said...

Hope it's more "miss" than "hit" John .. heh. Am considering constructing some sort of "self service" hatchway in the van door so the girl can come and go as she pleases without waking me up - but haven't got around to it yet.

Which brings me to the next point, Vincent. I have plenty of time; but for some reason am too "content" to write much .. heh.