Sunday, June 29, 2008

Local atmospherics ..

Still extremely chilly.

Did try to add greater detail to the comments on the previous post about multiple levels of obscure subtleties involved in the two references made (“Top secret!” and the “Gil Mayo Mysteries”) but both comments disappeared into the black hole of the bloody Blugger. (and yes, lemmiwinks, did catch a few minutes of “Corner gas” some time ago. Loved it .. must try to catch up with it again sometime.)

Anyway, this Van is still largely (or small-ly) in “silent” mode, but since i watch the Gil Mayo Mysteries with headphones, am prone to sudden outbursts of laughter, GrumbleGuts may well think am now completely bonkers

Also, had taken to parking my car in the van park allotment next to my annexe; furthest away from any “neighbourly” attention. At that time was into “run silent- run deep” mode, and didn't want any hassles regarding “complaints” about me starting the motor at 5.30am in the morning.

Since then, GG has been parking his car sideways across the front of his van, and driving off across what would – in a different space – be “my” front lawn.

Hmm, think i, territorial battles looming; but let it go. Am, after all, only here fer a shortish time .. sort of .. heh.

Normally, of a weekend, he disappears somewhere, and self can breathe easy for a while .. but GG was here all weekend. Arrgh!. Not only that, self went off to the amenities block this morning, and on returning GG was standing out by his car for a cigarette then purposely, with intent, turned his back on me and stared out over whatever weird horizon he holds in his head as i walked past.

Did think of greeting the back of his blank head with a cheery “Good morning. Nice weather, still a bit chilly though”, but 'waste of breath' was instant second thought. Did give an audible chuckle, though.

He took his car off somewhere after that (across my front lawn). OK, think i, stuff you; so shifted my car back onto “my” allotment, but also left barely enough room for him to get his car across my front space and past the little tree.

Am awaiting further developments with some degree of silent glee.


Davoh said...

Gah, every time i try to make a comment, the wifi drops out, gaaah!

For a bit of trivial co-incidence .. "Top Secret!" was the late late movie on Channel 10 last night, but am sure GG couldn't hear my snickers and chortles through the wind and rain.

and yup, he had to back up and drive around the outside of the tree (yer, I know .. petty stuff .. heh heh).

lemmiwinks said...

I noted that while perusing the guide last night! Was tempted to timer record it but I'm already spending too much time in front of the idiot box.

willowtree said...

I hate people.