Sunday, April 27, 2008


I had intended to write a rather longer essay detailing the background of how I got here, and more about what's happened between leaving Adelaide and now – but that will have to wait for some other time.

Sunday 27 April. 6am.

The biggest news at the moment is ... RAIN! The area where I am at the moment is mostly gentle, open, undulating grain country, only 130 Kilometers from the city - but may as well be Light Years away. While I do have TV and radio, have not felt the need to “keep up with the news” of the wider world, and - as far as I am concerned - it may well have disappeared into the mists of myth, imagination, and perhaps nightmare – (where is Iraq? Obama who?)

After the trauma, despair and angst of the previous year, my life has settled into an almost zen-like pattern of simplicity, peace and tranquility (though there are still a few 'legal' tentacles from the past that have yet to be dealt with - choking off any attempt to truly 'break free'; more about that, later).

After many months, perhaps years, of intermittent and sparse rainfall - the weather Pixies have blessed this area with a gentle, soaking patter of rainfall which began yesterday afternoon and has continued all night. I don't, as yet, frequent the pubs around here so don't know much about the local “gossip”, but do know that some of the farmers in the area began “dry seeding” last week, in anticipation. One can only hope that “follow up” rains happen in the months to come, and not – yet again – disappear and deliver that cruel blow to dry-land grain farmers of watching the half-grown harvest wither and die into the shrivelled husks of despair.

As mentioned previously, am on a rotating - 4 day on, 2 day off – pattern of a working week, so frequently have not the slightest idea of what the “named” day of the week really is.

Up until recently, a typical working day began at 7.30am. but am generally awake well before the alarm goes off at 5.30am. There will be several cups of black coffee while I write up the diary or lay quietly in bed until I hear “Sue” (not her real name) shuffling around in the Annexe at about 5.30. At this point - as a crusty old loner, well used to my own company and not generally used to sharing a living-space – will have to say that I could not have wished for a more congenial and pleasant companion.

(I say 'recently', as the hens have begun to lay, and the ever-increasing quantity of eggs will soon move the 'start times' earlier and earlier.)

From 5.30am, we share coffee, breakfast and chat until 6.30 when it is time to think about departing. The Farm is only 33K 'up the road', generally takes about 20 to 25 minutes. It is, actually, one of the most pleasant daily journeys in recent experience. The road is a well-paved two-lane black-top highway with few curves, through open and undulating grain fields, into the soft pink-and-orange of the sunrise skyline, and we see few other vehicles. (the speed limit is 110KPH, and am not given to “dawdle” on that sort of road.)

We generally arrive at the farm between 7 and ten past, which allows time to “shower in”, have a settling in cup of coffee, as well as chat with the rest of the staff, before “hitting the sheds” at 7.30am. The farms operate on a relatively strict “Biosecurity” Quarantine regime. No employee is allowed to own or be in contact with other birds (or pigs). There is a “wheel wash” at the first gate about 600mtres from the farm, where vehicle wheels and underside are hosed down with a mild antiseptic solution – then on through the Main gate. Entry to the Farm complex is through the “shower in” facility. All “street clothes” are left in the outer room, then through the showers – towels, plentiful hot water, soap, shampoo and conditioner supplied – into the change rooms where the (supplied) “work clothes” (washed daily) are kept. The procedure is reversed when leaving the farm.

Have to say that have never been, nor felt, cleaner – two free showers per day .. heh.

It could be said that the job is undemanding, repetitious, possibly tedious – but have never felt it so.

And now .. 12 noon, have to pack up and go in to the library to get this post up. Have this and tomorrow “off”, so will try to write in more detail about what am doing .. over the next couple days.

Love, and Cheers to all,


Vincent said...

Wow Davo, this is great, so glad everything is working out for you in so many different ways all at once. Do please keep posting if you can. Enjoyed the pictures too - all of it!

Jayne said...

Just found your blog but am enjoying it already, and the great photos :)
Sounds like you've found a great spot, hope it continues to work out for you :)

GreenSmile said...

paved is good. Daughter went missing on a "shortcut" she took from Mt Isa to Alice Springs. Turned out the "road" as they were wont to call it, had turned the consistency of fresh concrete or mortar...called in two weeks later to say she'd been put up at a cattle station until the monsoon season was truly over.

mind you that was back in the days when you had rain. May those days come back.

Your in a good place and a good mood Davo...stay there.