Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Am Back!!

Well, here we are – back on the interwebs.

There is much to write about, so this post is a sort of preliminary notification that Wombat's Waffles will be restarting. Will try to manage a post every week, and try to get it on by the Sunday of each week - but internet connections will be sporadic and unpredictable.

Have fallen unexpectedly into a(nother) full-time job (gahhh, no rest fer the wicked), out in the countryside of South Australia (Eudunda, to be exact), the caravan is parked in the Kapunda “Tourist and Leisure” Park(wry grin), have acquired an interesting and articulate young(ish) lady as a share companion (who lives in the annexe) and will write more detail as time permits. Internet access at the moment is through the local library, but access hours are not all that easy.

Am in charge of the care, welfare and education of 9,000 beautiful young ladies .. heh.

Shift work as a 'shed hand' on a Chicken Farm about 30K up the road – 0730 to 1530 (7.30am-3.30pm), 4 days on, 2 days off – so “weekends” are rotating.

Also, before anyone gets all carried away about “the sorry plight of the poor shed farmed chooks”, will say that am at a “Breeder Farm”. Eight sheds on the farm, each 130 metres long, 20 mtrs wide – 9,000 young pullets and 1,000 feisty Roosters in each. They are not in cages, have known no other environment and there is plenty of feed, water – and room for them to wander around in.

And so, youse lot .. can't keep me silent fer very long .. heh heh heh.


Vincent said...

Wow Davo, there must be lots to tell! It's good that you are back and congratulations on the 9000 ladies and the special one without feathers.

GreenSmile said...

Didn't bother removing Waffles from me blogroll...because I just figured youd pop up sooner or later. I think this calls for a second bottle of Sauvignon blanc.

And that just figures, you hanging out with all the chicks.

Three Score and Ten or more said...

Nice to have you back old cuss. A chick magnet?, I always thought so.
If I don't sell one of my houses pretty soon I may have to try the chicken (or other) business myself.

Wombat said...

Good to hear you are back mate. I thought you're a goner when I read your previous post and have actually wondered if I should remove you from my blog roll, but decided not to. Looks like my decision is correct. Welcome back, fellow marsupial.

Davoh said...

Thanks fellers, I really should try to write more .. but days tend to be somewhat filled with new things at the moment .. and any post has to be created on the laptop, then carted into the local library for transfer to the blog. Am slowly getting the hang of the technicalities. have just dropped in today fer a "quickie" .. heh, as have to drive back to "town" and will probably be somewhat tired when I get back. Next two days "off" is in four days time.

Jane said...

I'm a new reader of your blog. I started reading when I discovered the selling of the household stuff and 'running away from home". Been there, done that.
But even more amazing was finding the local caravan park on your blog!
I now live in Kapunda, grow vegetables, get involved in politics and I'm working towards becoming self sufficient....