Tuesday, December 18, 2007


We have, or so am led to believe - six senses.

Sight, hearing, smell, touch .. are there more??


Vincent said...

traditionally there are 5. You missed out taste. But in fact, and neurologists agree, there are a number of others including proprioception - knowing the position of your body in the dark. And then there are others that neurologists don't agree on; as well as, these days, hybrid senses, in which different brain outputs get merged. We can't taste much but when it is combined with smell there are millions of different tastes.

What people normally call "the sixth sense" is a kind of intuition, but there are so many kinds.

Wombat said...

"What people normally call "the sixth sense" is a kind of intuition, but there are so many kinds."

Yes, this is like, I come home and I can immediately sense something baddddd is going to be happening to me but I just can't place the reason why....

Of course I will realize much much later that I have forgotten the missus' birthday.

Davoh said...

Ah, yes, Taste .. i guess that i don't have much in the way of "taste" .. which is probably why i forgot it ... heh.

There were many odd thoughts while i sat looking at those tiny little boxes in the previous post, and listening to the full richness of the sounds coming from them. I have the added advantage of having previously sat in an auditorium listening to, and experiencing a symphony orchestra playing Mozart concertos, so that added to the experience .. but I began to wonder about the thoughts of somebody who had never seen nor heard an orchestra in "real life".

Also, when i took the CD out, looked at the blank shiny thing - there was nothing to see, nothing there. Very curious.

Ann ODyne said...

the seventh sense is rare: Common sense.

Smell is the one that's hardwired.

Anonymous said...

One the neurologists ignore but its bread and butter to psychologists:
We don't just think, we also have an awareness of our thinking.

Balance of course is a distinct sense and one with a well localized sense organ which we have found out how do disconnect using ethanol.

One that psychologist are a bit skeptical about but neurologists say is noticed when it is lacking, as in autism, is sensing by some synthesis of visual and auditory clues WHAT THE OTHER GUY IS FEELING. Keeps us out of trouble sometimes, that one, and the neurologist think the ability stems from a distinct and dedicated set of neurons scattered around the brain.

hearing is really volume+frequency+direction, where direction is inferred by circuits that detect tiny delays and differences between what the two ears hear...quite a nice bit of post processing given that few of us have ears exactly matched in sensitivity.

Temperature is lumped in with touch by some but is so distinct that it can go haywire independently of our ability to tell whether something is hard/soft, rough/smooth, light/heavy when we have been poisoned by certain neurotoxins.

and then there is pain. what are you sensing when you scrape your knee or get a dab of Tabasco sauce in your eye? Free radicals and and pH changes are not exclusively sensed by the tongue.

In the end, the physicists will tell you there are far fewer dimensions than there are senses. My point is that VERY shortly after the energy impinges upon us, we begin processing it for "meaning" where meaning most conveniently may be defined as "the information content of the stimulus as it relates to our staying alive".

Never ask a physicist a simple question. The simple answer is that the n or n+1 senses are only the most primitive beginnings or our making sense out of anything.

Merry Solstice, Davo and Thank you for letting me pretend I am a physicist.

BBC said...

You didn't mention the most important one.


Davoh said...

"Spirit" Billy B, is not, technically, a "sense" .. a combination of them all, perhaps.