Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Elephants hear through their toes.

Dolphins and whales hear through their nose.

Oh Really? Dunno. Have never been an elephant, dolphin nor whale.

have always been fascinated by SOUND, the vibrations through the tiny hairs in the ear.

and so, spent some money .. well, wasted a bit BUT .. found some AUDIO.

funny, really, some people spend Vast amounts of money on .. what?

technilogical re-creations of thunderstorms or the gentle sussurations of wavelets on a seashore? Whatever happened to the subtle, sensuous, ability of the human eardrum?

So, Audiophile that I am .. have spent some money, just so that i can re-experience some other human created symphonies that I miss.

So simple, so small, so given to the full richness of recorded sound. The TEAC "Bricks" have been around for more than 30 years. Have just been waiting for a smallish 12 volt, solar powered, amplifier to "catch up".

[Ah, forgot to mention that while you can "see" it ya can't "hear" it .. it's actually playing MOZART Piano concerto No. 21 at full blast.. magnificent.]

1 comment:

Davoh said...

Tech specs ..at this point, i think it a Pioneer 2950MP .. but the fine print these days is VERY SMALL .. heh.