Friday, December 28, 2007


Have been pissing around with several computers, websites, whatevers [becoming extraordinarily frustrated] .. and it just occurred to me that one of the things that separates human beings from all else is ..


Who else would wait (+ or -) 2000 years for "another coming"? [sheesh, my last 'come' was only 4 years ago .. but i still love her, whatever that means].

Fascinating concept.


Vincent said...

Fascinating concept indeed, to coalesce the Messiah with another sort of consummation.

But I am not clear about how patience separates us from all else, unless you mean that we humans are the impatient ones. Now that makes sense. I know I am exceedingly impatient, but I take that as a human virtue, except when carried to extremes.

I visited my elder daughter the other day and even had the patience to sort out her broadband connection, which took a couple of hours wrangling first with the software, second with the slowness of her museum-piece machine and thirdly with the supplier's representative (in a call centre in India) and his rather formulaic script. But patience was rewarded by ultimate success and it was like slaying a dragon.

Davoh said...

As always, Vincent, you are quite right, and have probably thought a little more carefully about your comment than I did for this post.

The notion of patience could, i guess, be turned into a rather long essay .. the stalking cat was never impatient enough to invent the shotgun, Wildebeasts have never become impatient enough to invent the aeroplane .. heh.