Friday, December 28, 2007


Guess that i have to accept some 'real', 'physical' FACTS.

'Twas 35C today, predicted to be 36C tomorrow, 42C on Sunday. Can't cope any more. Could, once upon a time, just keep working. Keep pottering along, out in the Sun, heat, dust, flies; trying to defeat the elements.

No longer. Not any more. "Tis time for the younger generation to take it on.


Davoh said...

But how can i give up now? Half of my customers are 80 earth years and beyond ..

JahTeh said...

As much as I'm a greenie, when it's that hot I don't give a damn about my carbon footprint and it's going to be a stinker on New Year's Eve.
The heat has also brought out the spiders again. Another Huntszilla is roaming the loungeroom ceiling.

Davoh said...

umm, JT, 'bout time that the kiddies came out from behind the Xboxes and PlayStations. Learnt how t' cope with 35C +. Not going t' get any better ..


Sat Dec 29