Thursday, July 26, 2007


Within two minutes walk of where I live there is ..
In the same street and about 100 yards apart .. a "Kingdom Hall" Jehova's Witness, One Pub, and one Bikie's Fortress. 100 yards across the road, another pub.

Am beginning to feel like Buridan's Ass.

(and that, for the american reader is "Ass" as in four-legged animal, not "Ass" as in posterior.)


Vincent said...

What is a Bikie's Fortress? I am not surprised that you cannot decide which to visit: a pub or a Kingdom Hall. Each must exert exactly the same pull. Difficult.

Davoh said...

Ah, Vincent, there is much in the "news" here lately. The local Gummint has made it illegal to build a "barricade" around one's house .. mostly due to a crackdown on Motorcycle "gangs". This "Bikie's Fortress" is a house surrounded by a 12 foot high fence made out of railway sleepers, metal gate, bars over the windows and multitudes of electronic intruder alarms .. and does belong to a "Bikie".

Davoh said...

.. and no, this "Ass" doesn't have much of a problem making a decision .. given those choices .. heh.