Monday, May 28, 2007

New toy

I am, of course, completely, utterly, starkly BONKERS.

This is a Casio CTK-1000. $120.00, Second-hand, from Cash Converters .. no instruction manual .. and I CAN'T PLAY IT!

But the sounds that it makes are absolutely beautiful.

Had, of course, assumed that I could dig up a freebie manual for it from the internet somewhere but .. these things are apparently very rare. Had to buy a manual on eBay and get it sent over from America .. Oh well.

Actually, am not completely bonkers. Have been very busy editing some of the video footage that I have, and needed some sort of music track for the background that I don't have to pay Royalties for - and this thing even does "sound FX".

Don't even need to know how to "play" it, really. Have a spiffy little Music Maker program where I can capture sounds from it, shove them around on the screen and Hey Presto!, instant music (well, sort of).

Ahhhh, the delights and distractions of this digital age.


Davoh said...

.. and if anyone wonders how many "royalty-free" tunes that I could get for $120 .. don't.go.there. mmph!

BBC said...

I love to sing at karaoke, and I have a keyboard that was given to me. But I can't play crap on it. I even bought a book but can't figure it out. Well, maybe I haven't spent enough time at it.

I know a lot of musicians in bands that don't know how to read music, they play by sound. I don't get it.

Anne Johnson said...

Hey, Davo, if you take about 6 piano lessons you can learn how to play that thing. You only need 3 fingers, and I know you've got 10.

Davoh said...

Heh, Anne. Can, actually, make a recognisable "Michael Row the boat ashore" and "Oh when the Saints .." with the five fingers on the right hand .. also manage the three-key chords with the left .. BUT, getting the left and right to co-ordinate at the same time .. NO WAY. Oh well.

Have been having a play with it while waiting for the instructions. The beauty of this beast is that it does "Rhythm tracks", "Fill ins" .. all sorts of stuff with the touch of one button. [drools].

JahTeh said...

Davo, whatever your age, you are never going to grow old.
I can play the piano with the left hand and the right hand but never together, I'll stick to listening.

Davoh said...

JT, there is, somewhere in here - a message to political leaders. If we could only co-ordinate the "dexter" and the "sinister" .. beautiful melodies might be the result.

Davoh said...

But I can't play crap on it.

BillyB, are you trying to tell us that the music that you play on your keyboard is ..not crap? .. heh.