Wednesday, May 30, 2007

the evolution of fundamentals.

Am not going into details, but the words in the title are multi-pronged.
(South Africa, Canada and Australia are not included in this survey.)

The link pinched from Radical Goddess.


Vincent said...

I cannot be bothered to read the link which seems to be about science as if it had some privileged status with regard to truth. I am certainly in favour of the evolution theory.

However there is a great deal of bullshit if you follow that link. It suggests that believing that the sun revolves around the earth is shocking. That betrays a profound confusion about what science is about. Its role must not be to make our subjective experience taboo. From our experience, the sun does revolve around the earth and the imagery which scientists adopt saying that the earth revolves around the sun is irrelevant to day-to-day life.

Davoh said...

Am not really sure why I posted this one Yves, as it leads off into a looong discussion about philosophy, and more importantly, the philosophy of "religion". The article itself was more or less about "early childhood development" and how children perceive the world that they live in.

Probably self-evident, but "beliefs" become cemented very early on, and depend on the "village" one grows up in.. and what sort of "education" and experience.

Was, myself, more fascinated by the graph. It looks like America and Turkey are the two most um, lacking, in education of the sciences.