Was listening to - yet another - Repeat of a Phillip Adams LNL and some scientist wuz wafflin' on about "mirror neurons". Sheesh. Whaddit 'e mean .. 'e's looked at the scan of the brain.
Sez that if some
person bloke is lookin' at somebody else pricking some one wiv a needle, some brain cells light up as if it wuz them.
Nah, can't be possible. Everyone knows blokes don't have no empathy.
George W. Bush iz our hero.
Sort of funny, really. Reading the "Weekend (weakend?) Australian" newspaper is very bad for the brain. Some writer even suggested that the absence of GWB would be a disaster .. after all, what would we have to get angry, angstish .. and write about ..??
mm, I wonder if I could sit at home all day "thinking" about work, then get the customers to netbank the money .. mm
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