Friday, October 19, 2007

Wot - Me too .. again, Kevin?

Kevin Rudd's response to the profligate* - but effective - promise of the Howard clique was, to me, somewhat disappointing.

Here we have John Howard promising to give back $36 Billion dollars, as tax cuts - that he hasn't got yet .. or if he has, no wonder the schools, hospitals, infrastructure, social welfare programs (the list goes on) have been screaming and starved of funding for the past 11 years.

Gee, I'd love to be able to say to some of my creditors .. Not to worry fellas, I promise to pay you double what I owe you .. next year.. out of estimated income. See, Aren't I a good fella. (whaddya mean, ya don't believe me?)

It is still not clear whether these tax cuts are a "core" promise .. or a "non core" promise, as Howard has a habit and history of "revising the estimates" after the elections, or weaseling out of "promises".

So, Kevin Rudd says .. Oh, we'll match that .. and raise you by adding a few extra billion for educating the kiddies to learn the internet.

Oh, come now.

Surely it would have been more sensible to reply .. Well, that's interesting, and we would probably be able to consider some tax relief once we have full access to the Treasury staff and resources BUT - we would prefer to spend a large proportion of that ESTIMATED (suddenly, miraculously - spare) $36 Billion surplus on assisting the States with Education and Health.

But then, I probably missed something .. Ho Hum .. [yawn] ..can't be bothered paying much attention, too much crap.

Anyone fer cricket??

Recklessly wasteful; wildly extravagant


Davoh said...

and if anyone gets pedantically picky about whether it's 34 or 36 billion .. depends on which newspaper one reads QED?

Link said...

All Kev need really say as far as the economy goes is I'll do pretty much exactly as John Howard the difference being that I am not he. I think the Labors trumped Team Howard again. But so far my six week election prediction seems to be panning out as the coalition gained a little in the polls.

Can you mail me that telly, or perhaps courierer it, so I can watch the worm (turn) on Sunday evening?

Link said...

so are there this many 0's in $34,000,000,000,000,000,001?

Davoh said...

So far, a couple of pundits are saying that "Team Howard" won week 1.

I keep remembering a comment that Kevvie made some time ago that he "wanted to play with Howard's head (or mind, can't remember which)" .. and there are several "innings" to go yet.. will be interesting.

BBC said...

Anyone for pool?

BBC said...


Davoh said...

.. am also tryin't cope with an effin feline that keeps ripping up the carpet effin it's not fed, Billy B.

So "pussies" are low on the priority list .. heh.