Saturday, October 20, 2007

High speed carrier pigeon

Has been in the back of the sludge that I call a brain to write something intelligent about the parlous state of telecommunications in Australia .. buuuut, as usual, don't have the nous, (intelligence, wit, typing skill, ) to come up with anything really interesting.

Has also been in the back of my mind to go fer a bittuva wander around Australia again and - addicted as I am to my daily fix from the goss of the Blurgiesphere - began to make enquiries about "connectivity" in the countryside.

There ain't none.

Well, there ARE several options. Telstra seems to have the "widest" "wireless" coverage (sparse and spotty at best) .. but at $35.00/month for TEN hours of "next G network".. seems a bit beyond budget, since my current average monthly usage (Primus/Aol $25.00/month, sort of broadband) is somewhere around 300 hours.

Oh yes .. there are claims by Telstra and the Gummint about coverage for "98% of the population" .. I can't help it if 90% of the population live in the effin CITIES.

Have read somewhere that if it was up to the mindset of John Howard, we'd still be listening to the speeches by Churchill on vacuum tube radio.

So, if this is not an issue during this election spiel .. it should be .. so, some information if you haven't already come across it.

Jobs for the boys.

Just who IS Sol Trujullo?

A bittuva Wiggle

Less than Third world

Am guessing that we have a Federal minister responsible for all this .. somewhere ...


Link said...

You might have to start lurking around public libraries and internet 'cafes' on your road trip. At least they have broadband. I'd steer clear of the Next G hyperbole. Pretty much all it is.

Davoh said...

There are many options, Caroline, out in the countryside.