Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Guilty! ... until proved



BBC said...

In my country it's just a scam to keep the judicial system employed, with very good wages.

BBC said...


JustRex said...

Have to give all of those lawyers something to do besides chasing ambulances.

Davoh said...

Yer, I do have a tendency to post single words without the actual background as to the 'why' ... heh. Was, actually, referring to what seems to be a common practice here in Australia by the "Meeja". Also by quite a few people (including me) to 'make assumptions' with little, or incomplete 'evidence'.

Oddly enough, while it seems that the 'common attitude' toward lawyers is that they are bunch of 'shonks', more interested in making a dollar than in 'guilt or innocence' - have to say that self thinks that 'Australian' lawyers are better than most.

Davoh said...

My very best wishes for a speedy recovery, Vestie.