Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Right now am pacing the floor trying to figure out what i should post about the exports of live cattle.

What do the pink fluffys want? Should it not be more important that someone point cameras at the end point of coal and uranium exports???


Vest said...

The almighty dollar tips the scale of importance. which will it be human inconvenience or animal suffering.

Davoh said...

heh .. perhaps a 'solution' for the "pink fluffys" would be to collect ALL animals into their own backyard - and give them carbon fibre coats and bootees.

Vest said...

"poor Cow"(Australian)Mac/Dict.

The Editor said...

What's wrong with transporting, holding, and killing livestock in a way involving minimal abuse and cruelty, Davo? Is that too much to expect?

I bet you'd be bitching your head off if your own dog was treated that way.

Yeah, I think your prejudice is showing in your use of the term "pink fluffies."

Davoh said...

Attitude. Yep, Gerry, i may well be a 'cranky old fart' as you so eloquently put it, but prefer to think of myself as a "practical" cranky old fart.

Firstly, there is a considerable difference between cosseted "household pets" and animals "in the wild", as well as animals 'managed' for the commercial market. While yes, i have no problem with supporting the 'warm fuzzy' push toward the 'humane' treatment of commercial animals (which also leads into the 'humane' treatment of human beings, commercial or otherwise - but that discussion is a bit beyond the scope of this comment box).

What bothered me was Ludwig's decision to suddenly "halt" the exports. If i were he; would say, "Tough tit", and keep the exports in place - but at the same time pressure Indonesia to "lift its game", so to speak.

On the other hand, Ludwig (Agriculture minister, for those outside of Aussie politics} is sitting within a very fragile governing parliament, and probably feels as if he can't afford to 'upset' ANYONE.

That attitude, from my point of view, is crap; and reinforces the 'general public' view that the Gillard government is too ... well .. 'wishy washy' - even though she (and they) have achieved quite a lot of 'positive' change..

The Editor said...

The exporters need not bitch about Ludwig. Their own regulating body has for years failed to act in a way that could easily have forestalled the current situation.

The minister acted because yet another industry has demonstrated that when there's a quid involved, self-regulation goes on an extended holiday.

And now they bleat like the cattle they allowed to be mistreated.

Davoh said...

The minister acted because yet another industry has demonstrated that when there's a quid involved, self-regulation goes on an extended holiday.

please explain -in detail. What other industry? Where does 'self regulation' GO on 'extended holiday'.