Saturday, November 01, 2008

Fiddling with flags


(only one at the moment to pin to the topmast remnant.. heh.)


BBC said...

I'm a citizen of a small planet, my idea of the ideal flag is of a united planet with a globe of the earth on it.

Fuck all these country's and boarders, other than to know where we are on it.

BBC said...

If a country wants to fly their flag it should be under the world flag on the flag pole.

hip said...

If you're fiddling with the flag you'll need a putter, not a bloody t . . .

Anne Johnson said...

Davo, if you fuck your boarder, be sure to use protection! Happy Day in America!

Vest said...

Where the bloody hell are you???

Vincent said...

Message from Davo to all his well-wishers:

He regrets being out of the office. His computer has had canniptions, which are being well-looked after but the treatment may take another two weeks. He's a mere 30 kilometers from the nearest internet thing, but that is a little too far for shouting.

Things keep changing but he wants you to know he is well and will post updates as soon as his communications are restored.