Sunday, July 01, 2007

What else does one do with a patch of dirt..

Jeepers, I do come up with heaps of incomprehensible drivel at times.

'Tis winter, the days are sunny with clouds and showers. Bloody cold at night (10C is freezing to old bones), can't afford to take the risk of allowing the "energy" Corporations to steal whatever spare cent in my possession, so have resorted to thermal underwear and ski suits.

On the other hand .. 'tis time for planting.


Davoh said...

Yer too clever by half, Link.
Yup, the ones with visible leaves are Pansies. Am also waiting to see what the 20 or so tiny - at this point, invisible - seeds, are going to produce in that patch of dirt.

(and his name is Tati, methinks .. heh)

JahTeh said...

I love pansies. Photos in Spring Please.

GreenSmile said...

comment would not stick to your blog last night.

I looked at the picture and said to myself " ah ha, another guy who is proud of his plumbing as I am"

but it seems this is about the flowers. You will have to put up a picture when they are grown and blooming.