Sunday, May 13, 2007

Nothing to say

..don't have anything to say at the moment .. have run out of scintillating wit and wisdom. Am sure that there are more interesting blogs around .. go read the sidebar. (and oh, might add this, quite brilliant, one when I get past Lassitudes lost reef.) I'm Ennui the 8th, I am.


Vincent said...

Davo, don't blame yourself, thanks for the link, after reading his story about the burger van and the heinz ketchup it's enough to make the rest of us think we can't write.

Davoh said...

Yup, Yves, when I read the stories over there it was almost enough to prompt me to put the keyboard in a drawer and go ride a bike, or something. That, and yours - different styles, of course, but makes my stuff look like chook tracks in a muddy barnyard.

overnighteditor said...

Everyone's got stories.

Thanks for the link...

Davoh said...

Yer welcome Ed. yup, everyone has stories but not, perhaps, your talent for telling 'em .. heh. Cheers.