Thursday, March 09, 2006

Chaos returns ..

Bugga .. Wombat Wol 'ere. Can't find me logo. There usester be a little swaggie sayin' G'day, but all i c'n find these days on the Aussie choices of Smiley Central is "there is an error on this page". Jeez, almost enuff t' get y' perrystroikanoid.

Davo's orf 'is pills. These days, 'e tells me, 'e's got all these thorts whizzing round 'is 'ed at 60 miles per minnut. 'E also wants t' DOO 60 things per minnut.

'E carnt, o corse. 'Is little old leggies get a bit wobbly at about 6pm, so am waitin' fer 'im to get really frustrated an' give up.

Bit like tryin' t' drive a vehicle designed fer 300mph on a road that 'as traffic lights every half mile.

That's wen all is thorts that go whizzin round 'is 'ed start goin' round in ever diminishing circles an' disappear up 'is fundamental orifice.

Switches orf, 'e does. If ya ain't goin' nowhere, why bother, 'e sez.
I give 'im a kick up the bum every now an' then .. but it's 'is life, 'e 'as t' cope with 'is own body, 'an th' world that it lives in.

Wombat Wol.


Anonymous said...

Have you checked out Smiley Central's cool new website?

Sweet. Sorry about the errors.

Davoh said...

yup, thankyou anonymous.. me little swaggie is now available..:}