Monday, October 01, 2007

World community

Funny really, blogging has a tendency to get a bit .. well .. incestuous.

I really only read, and create links to those who I find interesting, or agree with.

Was almost going to write "nice" people, but what is "nice"?

It has come to my attention that a friend of mine (in the blogging sense) has come under attack by some very weird writers. tim blair.

Now, I don't regularly read his stuff, and only noticed when Caroline posted a "postscript". Have no idea of the credibility of Timb lair, nor who he is, nor what he stands for. It seems that Caroline "made the mistake" of being an acquaintance, perhaps friend, of Phillip Adams.

From my point of view, Phillip Adams is a far greater writer, thinker, achiever - than tim blair and his coterie of cohorts will ever be.

It seems that Australia has our pathetic, parasitic, symbiotic, vitriolic cheap shot "underclass" of idiotic "wingnuts" as well.


Link said...

Well I'm a bit of a duffa eh? Oh well. Don't think I'll ever have cause to refer to Blim Tear again. lesson learnt. But it was kinda fun although trawling through his comments to check how many insults I was copping, while not fun exactly was certainly telling as to where these people's heads are. Blim Tear too, seems to make a practise out of simply pointing and then releasing his hounds, most of whom I'd guess are either twelve years old or at least have the mentality of same.

JahTeh said...

He is a man who loves to point his flying monkeys in another's direction while maintaining a good distance. AnOnymousLefty had his marriage break-up put online when this twit found his name on a dating site. You can't comment on Blair's site unless you register, so much for freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of him.