Sunday, October 14, 2007

Words fail me

Every so often while trolling around the personal journal internet Blurgie world of doggies 'n pussies 'n nappies, rabid or rational political 'n religious rants 'n what i did today - one comes across a post that, well .. leaves me speechless .. words fail me.

Marclord at ADORED BY HORDES has, from a simple "tourist" visit, yet again come up with a post that - in so few, well-chosen words - is almost breathtaking in its sweep across so many ideas, notions, imagery .

Helps, i guess, that the foundation subject - Bletchley Park - has always held a fascination for me.

Click the title.

(Knowledge, hopefully, will always defeat military hardware.)


Davoh said...

It matters not the size, it's knowing what to do with it .. heh.

Ann ODyne said...

Thanks for the link to that great blog - isn't blogging just wonderful?
I learn something everyday from reading amazing people.

Over at this link to the Enigma movie produced by Mick Jagger (Sir), there are some interesting comments re Turing after all the film facts.

Davoh said...

Um, from failing memory, think that i saw that movie, one night, on late TV . More "romance" than delving into the facts and reality of what Bletchley Park was up to .. but yes, Anne.. fascinating place, and Turing doesn't seem to have the status that he deserved.

Davoh said...

Even today .. however much of the high and mighty American hardware thrown at the populations of Iraq and Afghanistan .. Do we see "progress"?
Defeat of the population? No.

It really only takes one or two ragtag people with knowlege of timing and the terrain: and a molotov cocktail to disable an Abrams.

MarcLord said...

Hi, Davo,

Thanks for you praise and cross-posting! I should very much like to visit Bletchley again, it seems they've made it into more of a museum since my visit nearly 20 years ago.

Re: Abrams tanks, not one had ever been knocked out until the occupation of Iraq. In addition to well-placed Molotov cocktails, they are vulnerable to certain shoulder-fired RPGs. And they only cost $30 million to replace!

Davoh said...

You're welcome, Marc .. was, to a certain extent, being facecious about the "molotov cocktail". Am still bemused and extremely angry that the current "Bushista enamoured" government in Australia should have thought it "important" to waste $550 million on second-hand tanks that are too heavy to cross many of the bridges in this country.