Monday, October 08, 2007

Splinter groups

Methinks am getting to be one of those old, cranky, crotchetty heretics. A gnarled Tree person trying to resist being chopped and chainsawed into the mill of Pulp fiction. No longer suitable to live in John Howard's Brave New World of super-slick Advertisements and sleek-suited, silvertongued, shark-toothed executives.

Not even a tiny thorn under the skin of "superiors" .. too easily tweezered out and discarded.

People fascinate me. Brought up as a singular child on a farm where the nearest shop was 20 minutes drive away, my only companions were a gun and a dog. Inarticulate, shy, socially inept, would spend much time sitting in the corner, watching; trying to figure out why there was a difference between what people said, and what they did. Even after a great deal of reading, social veneer, and interaction with humankind .. still haven't figured it out - which is why I get along much better with plants .. and animals.


BBC said...

"People fascinate me. Brought up as a singular child on a farm where the nearest shop was 20 minutes drive away,"

Hum, reminds me of part of my childhood.

"People fascinate me."

Ah, yes, the monkeys, they fascinate me also. Yet, I prefer interaction with them over plants and animals.


Davoh said...

Billy B, I interact with real people each and every day in real life; not in any deep or intimate way, perhaps. I actually quite like most of them. Most of them quite like me. I sometimes get into trouble with the written word though, since I don't have the skill (or patience) to indicate a grin, tone of voice or twinkle of the eye with each sentence.

Davoh said...

.. and plants don't argue back.