Saturday, October 06, 2007

Cleaning the cupboards (1)

Mmm, have just been looking at some of the links that have been stored in one of the folders in the Firefox sidebar -for later use.

'Bout time that i did some housecleaning, so will unload them here.

A Buddhist Timeline.
All in the family. (even MSM has trouble with spelling .. heh)
A brilliant advertisement (Google video .. bluddy furriners).
Arthur Stace. (as always, and ever)

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (the numbers, always watch the numbers)
Australia Values. Heh heh heh.
Bill Mauldin.(and ya think i have a peculiar sense of humour .. heh)
For wannabe Librarians.
Dunno .. go look.
Classroom at sea.
Convict creations. (Jeez, who woulda thort)
Um ...
American Law.

Need a break by now? .. try this.

Another dopey God concept.
Feministe. (sheesh, had forgotten that one was there)
Funkypix2. (no comment)

OK .. enuff fer now .. that's about half of the .. errm, "Library".


BBC said...

I've decided that..

A: Avoid more than just casual contact with most women because they are all bat shit stupid and crazy.

B: That humans are a bunch of weird fucks.

C: Keep stocked up on beer.

Davoh said...

Sheesh, trust god t'teach me th' ABC's

Anonymous said...

Ah, bill Mauldin. Dad had a copy of that 'cause he'd had a laugh at every one of those cartoons...when Stars and Stripes actually made it to the battle lines. Dad was with the 85th infantry if I remember right...he had lived a lot of those cartoons. When we moved mom into a home and had to parcel out the stuff that beat up old copy of Mauldin was among the most desired items.

Davoh said...

You're fortunate to still have a copy, Greensmile. Have never been in a real battlefield of that sort, so can't really explain why I find those images so humourous.

GreenSmile said...

Sad Sack was the other popular, if a tad more subversive/anti-establishment cartoon that became beloved and emblematic of WWII GIs. I have to imagine every allied army had its equivalent of wry observations.

Davoh said...

Heh, GS, just change the shape of the helmets in the Mauldin pics and they could be Aussies.