Ever wonder what Wiki was, or about? Try here. A quick .. or long .. explanation, with some links to other big Wiki's. (hmm, what's the plural of Wiki. Wikis? Wikkies? Wikkeys??)
There's one for worldwide travel, and also a worldwide cookbook.
Yer, I know, can't sleep.
I could sleep if my fucking brain would just leave me alone. Oh, wait, I have a fix, six more beers.
Gee, thanks for sharing that last piece of information, Link .. not sure what it has to do with Wiki, though .. heh.
Billy B, Gautama had a solution to that problem, but guess that the philosophy and subsequent apparent writings of that one doesn't have a high priority in your part of this globe .. heh.
and yup, Billy B, mostly have only one day per week to assess and respond.
melatonin, not alcohol.
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