Sunday, December 25, 2016

Best Wishes to all

Deck the Halls with boughs of Blue Gum.
Lala la, la, Lah la la um.

And Always remember that there is unlimited space between the nest; and the barbed wire of repression- for the Blue Wren of happiness to escape

Cheers, Best Wishes to everyone.

While Saturnalia is a northern hemisphere Roman concept .. methinks the bit where 'masters' serve the 'slaves' seems to be a good notion ... even for a brief period. A bit like the slave who was employed to whisper in the ear of potential Emperors ... especially Roman generals returning from Victorious campaigns -  "remember, you are only human".


Vincent said...

I like your seasonal comments very much, Davoh, and as for generals & emperors being only human, I wonder if you watched the Queen of Australia deliver her Christmas message, in which she gives thanks for the inspiration provided by ordinary people. She herself having never laid claim to being anything beyond an ordinary person, except for the enormous burden placed on her shoulders, which she was born into.

I never knew she was Queen of Australia before, did you?

Anne Johnson said...

It's going to snow here in New Jersey USA tonight.

Davoh said...

Vincent ... she is the "Queen of Australia" in name only - and a WELL RESPECTED name at that. How many "Prime Ministers" has Britain and, indeed, Australia; prospered, and suffered through??

For whatever it is worth, THIS Australian (perhaps irreverent) Constitutional Monarchy IS the Best notion of 'controlled' democracy - so far.