Apologies for late posting. Have, by and large, tried to keep to one post by Sunday night at least (Aust time), but took a quick trip further down the peninsula and have just got back to the Van.
This pic is at the "Hillocks Drive bush camps” - a private farm with 20-30 kilometres of coastline. Sort of “pay at the homestead fer the key to the gate”. $12 per night .. thought it a bit steep since there wasn't much in the way of “facilities" – well, a sort of 4 stall “shower block” at the gate ($3.00 fer a sort of dribble of warmish water), and a series of roughish limestone roads. On the other hand, with campsites like this, who gives a hoot, well worth it.
The next pic is in the Innes National Park (down at the 'big toe'). Was lucky, and found this “campsite” uninhabited. $6-00 per night. Will write more detail, later.
It is. Depends on viewpoints, I guess.
Caro, don't tempt me. "All i wont is room somewhere .." Pygmalion myths and fantasies. Um, who DID come up with the notion of Pygmalion? My mind is old and getting dim .. heh. But yer, can still remember Rex Harrison getting sorta of annoyed wiv somefink somewhwere.
Your map and photos uncannily remind me of camping on a property called Ty Coch, on the Lleyn Peninsula in North Wales, about 25 years ago. The peninsula looked very similar to your map, and we were camped right next to the beach, and gathered driftwood for beach fires to roast fish (I can't remember how we caught it, perhaps we bought it in a shop) and played a Bob Marley tape (Legend) to the seals who basked on a rock out on the Irish Sea, as close as they dared approach. They seemed to like reggae.
So glad you have means to power your laptop for these bulletins!
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