Sunday, February 12, 2006


What happens when i cannot find my glasses? Details blur into impressions.


Hayden said...

I got my first glasses at 10, and no Christmas has been the same since. There was something magical in that melting blur of colored lights that was utterly unmagical when they were replaced by precise pinpoints. impressions are art, god is not always in the details.

Davoh said...

Hayden, perception is an individual thing. van Gough and Matisse could not 'see'.
The scientists are still looking for 'god' with telescopes.
Thank you for visiting.

Davoh said...

Spectacles. Spectacular. Spectators.
L, specere .. to look at.

Anne Johnson said...

Missing glasses? Sorry to say, you've got faeries! Those suckers live for the moment when you go to look for your glasses, just where you left 'em, and can't find 'em there.

If you cuss and fuss a bit, the faeries will usually reveal your glasses, either where they moved them, or they'll put them back where you thought they were.

You got a sweet sight here. I'm gonna learn how to link and I'll see your name at "The Gods Are Bored!"