Saturday, November 26, 2005

Kingship must be catching.

Mike Rann wants to abolish the upper house in South Australia. He's calling for a referendum in SA for 2010.

Well well, isn't that interesting. It's unwieldy, he says. It frustrates his purpose.

"They, [the local Labor Party] are also angry at the way the chamber [upper house] has established a series of select committees to examine issues such as electricity [a hot topic in SA since it was "privatised"], the stashed cash affair and the Ashbourne affair".

"The state's business sector supports the abolition .. " (I bet it does)

"Mr. Rann says the move would slash red tape [oh? And where does THAT come from?], save millions of dollars and show SA was a benchmark for the rest of Australia."
[Adelaide Advertiser Nov 24 2005]

The Prime Munster seems to be handling HIS end of things .

Well now, why don't we abolish BOTH houses?? They're unwieldy, cost a lot of money, make a lot of laws to frustrate normal people and impede economic progress. Why not just have local, accountable City/Town councils?

Actually, why not abolish ALL politicians, including the Feds??.. more wasted money. Why not just have a small select committee to handle things like national defence, customs and excise, and immigration. On second thoughts, why have a committee at all?? Why not just have ONE Emperor of Australia, with a heap of wealthy advisors, let them do the tax bit and keep all the "saved" money??

Parliament is there for a reason, dimwit.


Three Score and Ten or more said...

Cynic. Don't you think that everyone is there to do their best for humanity (and Aussies);->
Don't ususally use criptograms, but that demanded a sarcastic wink.

Davoh said...

Hi again 70+; and Oy, I'm the only one allowed to be sarcastic on this blog (grins).